Friday 26 January 2007

Nightmare in Stornoway

To continue, the straw that broke the camel's back was on our way home. We drove up to the ferry terminal at Stornoway to await the arrival of the ferry to take us back to Ullapool. I got out the car and started to get the kids out the back, so we can go and get a drink in the terminal while we wait for the ferry, which isn't due in for at least half an hour. He (let's call him Bubba) announces that he would rather stayby the car. I said no, let's go get a coffee and chill out, the kids can't stay cooped up in the car all that time anyway. He said 'is the car locked?' I said 'of course it's locked'. He said 'Well I think someone should stay by the car anyway'. At this point five days of Carry on Worrying finally got to me and I let rip.

So-called Dad (not)

The biological father with whom I resumed contact in 1993, who lives in the States whereas i am in Scotland, has finally got to me big stylee. He is the most annoying, aggravating, pompous, outwardly pious idiot I have ever come across and it really rankles that i am related to him.
but ooooh god it felt so good to put that down in print. Yeeeeeees i want to ditch the idiot. I have only seen him once a year since 1993, and with each visit I have got to know him a little more and this last visit in august 2006 was a total disaster, but one fo those disasters that politeness prevents one from giving utterance to. I realise more than ever that i am becoming the kind of person who finds it impossible to be civil to those I don't like, even for propriety's sake. I t hink he realises that I am not best chuffed with him becasue I haven't phoned for at least a couple of months, only send emails in response, rather than initiating them.
We ( me, my two young daughters, him and his third wife - god knows how she puts up with him) went on a 5 day trip to the Outer Hebrides. What a bloody nightmare. cooped up in a car, me doing all the driving, only stopping when HE wanted to do or see something. Churches, churches, chapels, - just what an 8year old and a 3 year old want eh?

Having a clear-out

Maybe it's a delayed reaction from turning 40 in 2005, I don't know, but since the New Year just past, I seem to be creating a pattern of ditching people / situations that have been bugging me and stopping me from being happy and getting on with the myriad other things that I really need to concentrate on.